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Model NO.

Úžasné RTO



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Regenerační tepelný oxidátor

V porovnání s tradičním katalytickým spalováním; přímé tepelné okysličovadlo,; RTO má přednost ve vysoké účinnosti vytápění; nízké provozní náklady; a schopnost zpracovávat odpadní plyn s nízkou koncentrací velkého toku; Když je koncentrace VOC vysoká,; lze realizovat sekundární recyklaci tepla,; což výrazně sníží provozní náklady.; Vzhledem k tomu, že RTO může předehřívat odpadní plyn o úrovně prostřednictvím keramického akumulátoru tepla,; což by mohlo způsobit, že se odpadní plyn úplně zahřeje a popraská bez mrtvého rohu (účinnost čištění > 99 %);,;které snižují NOX ve výfukových plynech;; pokud je hustota VOC > 1500 mg/Nm3; když odpadní plyn dosáhne oblasti praskání; byla zahřátá na teplotu praskání pomocí tepelného akumulátoru; hořák bude za těchto podmínek uzavřen.;

RTO lze rozdělit na typ komory a rotační typ podle rozdílu provozního režimu.; Rotační typ RTO má výhody v systémovém tlaku,; teplotní stabilita; výše investice,; atd

RTO types  EfficiencyPressure change
Size(max);Treatment volume  
Treatment efficiency Heat recycle efficiency  
Rotary type RTO99 %97 %0-4small
(1 time);
Three chamber type RTO99 %97 %  0-10Large
Two chamber type RTO95 %95 %0-20middle

Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer,; Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer,; Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer,;  Thermal Oxidizer,; Thermal Oxidizer,; Thermal Oxidizer,; oxidizer,; oxidizer,; oxidizer,; incinerator,; incinerator,; incinerator,; waste gas treatment,; waste gas treatment,; waste gas treatment,; VOC treatment,; VOC treatment,; VOC treatment,; RTO,; RTO,; RTO,; Rotary RTO,; Rotary RTO,; Rotary RTO,; Chamber RTO,; Chamber RTO,; Chamber RTO

Adresa: 8 patro, E1, budova Pinwei, Dishengxi road, Yizhuang, ZheJiang, Čína

Typ podnikání: Výrobce/Továrna, Obchodní společnost

Rozsah podnikání: Elektrika a elektronika, Průmyslová zařízení a komponenty, Stroje na výrobu a zpracování, Metalurgie, Nerosty a energie

Certifikace systému managementu: ISO 9001, ISO 14001

Hlavní produkty: Rto, barevná lakovací linka, galvanizační linka, vzduchový nůž, náhradní díly pro zpracovatelskou linku, nanášecí stroj, nezávislá zařízení, dřezový válec, projekt renovace, dmychadlo

Představení společnosti: ZheJiang Amazing Science & Technology Co., Ltd je prosperující hi-tech společnost se sídlem v oblasti hospodářského a technologického rozvoje ZheJiang (BDA). V souladu s konceptem realistického, inovativního, zaměřeného a efektivního naše společnost slouží především průmyslu zpracování odpadních plynů (VOC) a metalurgickým zařízením Číny a dokonce i celého světa. Máme pokročilou technologii a bohaté zkušenosti s projektem zpracování odpadních plynů VOCs, jehož reference byla úspěšně aplikována v průmyslu nátěrových hmot, pryže, elektroniky, polygrafie atd. Máme také roky technologické akumulace ve výzkumu a výrobě plochých linka na zpracování oceli a má téměř 100 příkladů použití.

Naše společnost se zaměřuje na výzkum, návrh, výrobu, instalaci a zprovoznění systému čištění organických odpadních plynů VOCs a projekt modernizace a aktualizace pro úsporu energie a ochranu životního prostředí linky na zpracování ploché oceli. Můžeme zákazníkům poskytnout kompletní řešení pro ochranu životního prostředí, úsporu energie, zlepšování kvality produktů a další aspekty.

Zabýváme se také různými náhradními díly a nezávislými zařízeními pro barevnou lakovací linku, galvanizační linku, mořicí linku, jako je válec, spojka, tepelný výměník, rekuperátor, vzduchový nůž, dmychadlo, svářečka, vyrovnávač napětí, skin pass, dilatační spára, smyk, spárovačka , sešívačka, hořák, sálavá trubice, převodový motor, reduktor atd.

regenerační tepelná oxidační činidla

Can regenerative thermal oxidizers be used for odor control in sewage treatment plants?

Regenerative thermal oxidizers (RTOs) are not commonly used for odor control in sewage treatment plants. While RTOs are effective in controlling gaseous pollutants, their application for odor control in wastewater treatment facilities has certain limitations and considerations.

Here are some key points to consider regarding the use of RTOs for odor control in sewage treatment plants:

  • Nature of Odorous Compounds: Odors in sewage treatment plants are primarily caused by volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and sulfur compounds released during the treatment processes. RTOs are effective in treating VOCs, but they may not be specifically designed to address sulfur compounds, which can be challenging to control through thermal oxidation.
  • Operating Temperature: RTOs require high operating temperatures for efficient pollutant destruction. However, the presence of sulfur compounds in sewage treatment plant emissions can lead to corrosion and fouling at elevated temperatures, potentially impacting the performance and lifespan of the RTO system.
  • Complex Odor Mixture: Odors in sewage treatment plants are often complex mixtures of various compounds. RTOs are generally designed to treat specific target pollutants and may not be optimized for the treatment of the wide range of compounds present in sewage plant odors. A comprehensive odor control strategy typically involves multiple treatment techniques tailored to the specific odor profile.
  • Alternative Odor Control Technologies: Sewage treatment plants typically employ a combination of dedicated odor control technologies such as biofilters, activated carbon adsorption systems, chemical scrubbers, or other specialized methods. These technologies are specifically designed for the removal of odorous compounds and are often more suitable and efficient for odor control in wastewater treatment facilities.
  • Dodržování předpisů: Odor emissions from sewage treatment plants are subject to regulatory requirements and local community sensitivities. Sewage treatment facilities need to comply with applicable regulations and implement effective odor control measures that are proven to be efficient in mitigating the specific odor issues associated with their operations.

In summary, while RTOs are effective for controlling gaseous pollutants, they are not commonly used as the primary odor control technology in sewage treatment plants. Sewage treatment facilities typically employ dedicated odor control technologies that are specifically designed for the removal of odorous compounds and can provide optimal performance and compliance with odor regulations.

regenerační tepelná oxidační činidla

What are the startup and shutdown time requirements for a regenerative thermal oxidizer?

The startup and shutdown time requirements for a regenerative thermal oxidizer (RTO) can vary depending on several factors, including the specific design of the RTO, the size of the system, and the operating conditions. Here are some key points regarding the startup and shutdown time requirements for an RTO:

  • Startup Time: The startup time for an RTO typically refers to the time it takes for the system to reach its operating temperature and stabilize for effective emission control. The startup time can range from several hours to several days, depending on the size of the RTO, the thermal capacity of the heat exchange media, and the desired operating temperature. During startup, the RTO gradually heats up the heat exchange beds or media using a burner system or other heating mechanisms until the desired temperature is reached.
  • Shutdown Time: The shutdown time for an RTO refers to the time it takes to safely cool down the system and bring it to a complete stop. The shutdown time can also vary and may range from several hours to several days. During shutdown, the flow of exhaust gas is stopped, and the RTO initiates a cooling process to lower the temperature of the heat exchange media. Cooling mechanisms such as air or water may be used to expedite the cooling process and ensure safe operation.
  • System Requirements: The specific startup and shutdown time requirements for an RTO are often determined by the process requirements, operational needs, and regulatory compliance. Some applications may require faster startup and shutdown times to accommodate frequent process changes, while others may prioritize energy efficiency and opt for longer startup and shutdown times to allow for heat recovery and minimize fuel consumption.
  • Control Systems: Advanced control systems are typically employed to monitor and control the startup and shutdown processes of an RTO. These systems ensure that the temperature ramp-up and ramp-down rates are within safe limits and that the system operates efficiently and reliably during these phases.

It is essential to consult with RTO manufacturers or experienced engineers to determine the specific startup and shutdown time requirements for a particular RTO based on its design, size, and intended application. They can provide guidance on optimizing the startup and shutdown processes to meet the operational and regulatory needs while ensuring the safe and efficient operation of the RTO.

In summary, the startup and shutdown time requirements for an RTO can vary depending on factors such as system design, size, and operational considerations. Startup times can range from hours to days, while shutdown times can also vary. These requirements are tailored to meet the specific needs of the process and ensure effective emission control while maintaining operational safety.

regenerační tepelná oxidační činidla

How do regenerative thermal oxidizers handle start-up and shutdown procedures?

Regenerative thermal oxidizers (RTOs) have specific procedures for start-up and shutdown to ensure safe and efficient operation. These procedures are designed to optimize the performance of the RTO and minimize any potential risks. Here is an overview of how RTOs handle start-up and shutdown:

  • Start-up Procedure: During start-up, the RTO goes through a series of steps to reach its operating temperature. The start-up procedure typically involves the following stages:
    1. Purge Stage: The RTO is purged with clean air or an inert gas to remove any potential flammable or explosive gases that may have accumulated during the shutdown period.
    2. Preheat Stage: The RTO’s heat exchangers are preheated using a burner or an auxiliary heat source. This gradually increases the temperature of the heat exchange media (typically ceramic or metallic beds) and the combustion chamber.
    3. Heat Soak Stage: Once the heat exchangers reach a certain temperature, the RTO enters the heat soak stage. In this stage, the heat exchangers are fully heated, and the RTO operates in a self-sustaining mode, with the combustion chamber temperature being maintained primarily by the heat released from the oxidation of pollutants in the exhaust gas.
    4. Normal Operation: After the heat soak stage, the RTO is considered to be in normal operation mode, where it maintains the desired operating temperature and treats the exhaust gas containing pollutants.
  • Shutdown Procedure: The shutdown procedure of an RTO is aimed at safely and efficiently stopping the operation of the system. The procedure typically involves the following steps:
    1. Cool Down: The RTO is gradually cooled down by reducing the flow of the exhaust gas and the supply of combustion air. This helps to prevent thermal stress on the equipment and minimize the risk of fires or other safety hazards.
    2. Rekuperace tepla: During the cool-down phase, the RTO may employ heat recovery techniques to capture and utilize the residual heat for other purposes, such as preheating incoming process air or water.
    3. Purge: Once the RTO has cooled down sufficiently, a purge cycle is initiated to remove any residual gases or contaminants from the system. This helps to ensure a clean and safe environment for maintenance activities or subsequent start-ups.
    4. Complete Shutdown: After the purge cycle, the RTO is considered to be in a fully shut-down state, and it can remain in this state until the next start-up is initiated.

It is important to note that the specific start-up and shutdown procedures for an RTO may vary depending on the design and manufacturer. Manufacturers typically provide detailed guidelines and instructions for operating their specific RTO models, and it is crucial to follow these guidelines to ensure safe and efficient operation.

China factory Rto Rotary Type Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer
editor by CX 2024-03-12