Основна информация.
Модел NO.
Environmental Monitoring Instrument
Main Function
Waste Gases Removal
Chemical Industry
Clean Efficeincy
Търговска марка
Транспортен пакет
Film Wrapped
ZheJiang China
Описание на продукта
HangZhou Raidsant Machinery Co.;,; Ltd.; is majored in developing and manufacturing innovativepowder cooling pelletizing machinery and related industrial waste gas treatment machine.; With nearly 20 years’ production history,; we have a good market in more than 20 provinces in China,; and some of our products were exported to Saudi Arabia,;Singapore,;Mexico,; Brazil,;Spain,; America,; Russia and Korea,; etc.;
* More compact than the existing facilities
* Low-operation costs
* Long lifespan of facilities
* No changes in pressure
Energy-saving system that burns volatile organic compound (VOC); and waste gas by using heat,; and it collects over 99.;8% of waste heat of exhaust gas by using ceramic regenerative materials (catalyst); with large surface area and low-pressure loss.;
1.; Painting drying process
2.; metal printing process
3.; fiber drying process
4.; adhesive tape process
5.; waste treatment process
6.; semiconductor manufacturing process
7.; smoke,; confectionary and baking process
8.; petrochemical process,;
9.; medicine and food manufacturing process,;
10.; other VOC generating process
* More compact than the existing facilities
* No changes in pressure
* High-heat recovery rate (over 95%);
* Perfect VOC treatment (over 99.;8%);
* Long lifespan of facilities
* Low-operation costs
* Able to be manufactured in circle or quadrangle
General Descriptions and Features:;
1.; Operating principle
Operation method that continuously changing discharges by rotating the Rotary Valve
2.; Process Pressure Change
No pressure change because wind direction changes in order by the Rotary Valve rotation
3.; Investment Costs
Around 70% of Bed Type
4.; Installation Space
It is single vessel so it is compact and requires less installation space.;
5.; Maintenance
It is easy to maintain it because Rotary Valve is the only 1 moving part.;
Rotary Valve’s sealing part is rarely worn out because it rotates at low speed.;
6.; Stability
No risks in the process because it is always opened even when the Rotary Valve has troubles.;
7.; Treatment Efficiency
Treatment efficiency maintains because sealing part is rarely worn out even if it is operated for a long time.;
Address: No.3,Zhenxin Middle Road, Economic Development Zone,HangZhou,ZheJiang
Тип бизнес: производител/фабрика, търговска компания
Business Range: Chemicals, Electrical & Electronics, Manufacturing & Processing Machinery, Security & Protection
Management System Certification: ISO 9001
Main Products: Pelletizer, Flaker, Pastillator, Granulator, Chemical Pelletizer, Vocs
Company Introduction: HangZhou Raidsant Machinery Co., Ltd. ., previously called HangZhou Xinte Plastic Machinery Factory is majored in producing innovative plastic recycling machinery. With nearly 20 years′ experience, we have a good market in 20 provinces in China, and some of our products were exported to Indonesia, Russia and Vietnam, etc. Our main products include DZ Type Pastillator, waste tire recycling line, Big Calibre Plastic Pipe shredders recycling line, continuous annealing tin-coation machine, QX type PET, PE & hull washing line, SDP double rails plastic recycling crusher, SJ hot cutting granule making unit, PVC tube (cinquefoil) product line, PVC Odd-shaped material product line for door and window, granule product line in water and Shredder for plastics and recycling. We acquired 5 technical patents.
Our corpotation lays emphsis on thchnical reconstruction, imports advanced technology from home and abroad, and develops new products constantly. Our tenet is challenging for hight quality, offering the best products. We are making efforts to realize our slogan. Satisfying our customers is our everlasting pursuit.
We are looking for the oversea customers or agents. If you are interested in our proposal, please let us know which of our products is the most likely to appeal to you or your customers. We should be very grateful if you give us some ideas of the marketprospects for our products. We hope to hear favorable information from you soon! It is our goal that we wish we could buid a good relationship with you now or in the near future. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any question or request.
We also sincerely welcome you to our company to discuss business and negotiate with us. For further expanding our market and customers, our company welcomes customer from domestic and aboard in an new-brand gesture on the basis of full-new mangement conception—quality, honour, service. We are looking for ISO 90001 mangement quality system to meet with our customers requirement!
Can a regenerative thermal oxidizer be retrofitted into an existing facility?
Yes, regenerative thermal oxidizers (RTOs) can be retrofitted into existing facilities under certain conditions. Retrofitting an RTO involves integrating the system into the existing infrastructure and process flow of the facility to control emissions from industrial processes. However, the feasibility of retrofitting an RTO depends on several factors related to the facility and the specific requirements of the application.
Here are some considerations for retrofitting an RTO into an existing facility:
- Space Availability: RTOs typically require a significant amount of physical space for installation. It’s important to assess whether the facility has adequate space to accommodate the size and layout requirements of the RTO system. This includes considering the space needed for the RTO unit itself, associated ductwork, auxiliary systems, and access for maintenance.
- Process Integration: Retrofitting an RTO involves integrating the system into the existing industrial process. This integration may require modifications to the process flow, such as rerouting ductwork, adding or modifying exhaust points, or coordinating with existing pollution control equipment. The compatibility of the RTO with the existing process and the ability to seamlessly integrate the system should be evaluated.
- Auxiliary Systems: In addition to the RTO unit, auxiliary systems may be required for effective operation and compliance. These systems can include pre-treatment equipment such as scrubbers or filters, heat recovery units, monitoring and control systems, and stack emissions monitoring equipment. The availability of space and compatibility with existing infrastructure should be considered for accommodating these auxiliary systems.
- Utility Requirements: RTOs have specific utility requirements, such as the need for natural gas or electricity for heating the combustion chamber and operating the control system. The availability and capacity of utilities at the existing facility should be assessed to ensure they can meet the demands of the RTO system.
- Structural Considerations: The structural integrity of the facility should be evaluated to determine if it can support the additional weight of the RTO and associated equipment. This assessment may involve consulting with structural engineers and considering any necessary reinforcements or modifications.
- Regulatory Compliance: Retrofitting an RTO may require obtaining permits and complying with environmental regulations. It is essential to assess the applicable regulations and ensure that the retrofit meets the necessary compliance requirements for emissions control.
It is important to consult with experienced engineering firms or RTO manufacturers who can assess the specific requirements and constraints of the facility. They can provide detailed evaluations, feasibility studies, and design recommendations for retrofitting an RTO into an existing facility. Their expertise can help ensure that the retrofit is successful, cost-effective, and compliant with environmental regulations.
What are the typical construction materials used in regenerative thermal oxidizers?
Regenerative thermal oxidizers (RTOs) are constructed using various materials that can withstand the high temperatures, corrosive environments, and mechanical stresses encountered during operation. The choice of materials depends on factors such as the specific design, process conditions, and the types of pollutants being treated. Here are some typical construction materials used in RTOs:
- Heat Exchangers: The heat exchangers in RTOs are responsible for transferring heat from the outgoing exhaust gas to the incoming process air or gas stream. The construction materials for heat exchangers often include:
- Ceramic Media: RTOs commonly use structured ceramic media, such as ceramic monoliths or ceramic saddles. These materials have excellent thermal properties, high resistance to thermal shock, and good chemical resistance. Ceramic media provide a large surface area for efficient heat transfer.
- Metallic Media: Some RTO designs may incorporate metallic heat exchangers made from alloys such as stainless steel or other heat-resistant metals. Metallic media offer robustness and durability, particularly in applications with high mechanical stresses or corrosive environments.
- Combustion Chamber: The combustion chamber of an RTO is where the oxidation of pollutants takes place. The construction materials for the combustion chamber should be able to withstand the high temperatures and corrosive conditions. Commonly used materials include:
- Refractory Lining: RTOs often have refractory lining in the combustion chamber to provide thermal insulation and protection. Refractory materials, such as high-alumina or silicon carbide, are chosen for their high-temperature resistance and chemical stability.
- Steel or Alloys: The structural components of the combustion chamber, such as the walls, roof, and floor, are typically made of steel or heat-resistant alloys. These materials offer strength and stability while withstanding the high temperatures and corrosive gases.
- Ductwork and Piping: The ductwork and piping in an RTO transport the exhaust gas, process air, and auxiliary gases. The materials used for ductwork and piping depend on the specific requirements, but commonly used materials include:
- Mild Steel: Mild steel is often used for ductwork and piping in less corrosive environments. It provides strength and cost-effectiveness.
- Stainless Steel: In applications where corrosion resistance is crucial, stainless steel, such as 304 or 316 grades, may be used. Stainless steel offers excellent resistance to many corrosive gases and environments.
- Corrosion-Resistant Alloys: In highly corrosive environments, corrosion-resistant alloys like Hastelloy or Inconel may be employed. These materials provide exceptional resistance to a wide range of corrosive chemicals and gases.
- Insulation: Insulation materials are used to minimize heat loss from the RTO and ensure energy efficiency. Common insulation materials include:
- Ceramic Fiber: Ceramic fiber insulation offers excellent thermal resistance and low thermal conductivity. It is often used in RTOs to reduce heat loss and improve overall energy efficiency.
- Mineral Wool: Mineral wool insulation provides good thermal insulation and sound absorption properties. It is commonly used in RTOs to reduce heat loss and enhance safety.
It is important to note that the specific materials used in RTO construction may vary depending on factors such as the process requirements, temperature range, and corrosive nature of the gases being treated. Manufacturers of RTOs typically select appropriate materials based on their expertise and the specific application.
Какви са изискванията за поддръжка на регенеративен термичен окислител?
Поддържането на регенеративен термичен окислител (RTO) е от съществено значение за осигуряване на неговата оптимална производителност, дълголетие и съответствие с екологичните разпоредби. Ето някои основни изисквания за поддръжка на RTO:
- Редовни инспекции: Провеждайте рутинни проверки, за да идентифицирате всички признаци на износване, корозия или повреда на компонентите на RTO. Това включва проверка на клапани, амортисьори, вентилатори, горивни камери, топлообменници и керамични медни легла. Проверките помагат за ранно откриване на потенциални проблеми и позволяват навременни ремонти или замени.
- Почистване и подмяна на компоненти: Почистете или сменете компонентите, ако е необходимо, за да поддържате правилната функционалност. Това може да включва почистване на запушени или замърсени повърхности на топлообменника, подмяна на повредени или износени клапани и амортисьори и периодична подмяна на керамичните медни легла, ако те се развалят или замърсят.
- Мониторинг на работните параметри: Редовно наблюдавайте и записвайте работни параметри като температура, въздушен поток, разлики в налягането и газови концентрации. Отклоненията от нормалните работни диапазони могат да показват потенциални проблеми или неефективност, които изискват внимание.
- Калибриране на инструменти: Калибрирайте инструменти и сензори, използвани за наблюдение и контрол, за да осигурите точно измерване на параметри като температура, налягане и дебит. Правилното калибриране помага да се поддържа надеждна и прецизна работа на RTO.
- Почистване на системата за рекуперация на топлина: Почистете системата за възстановяване на топлината, включително повърхностите на топлообменника, за да отстраните натрупаните частици или замърсяване. Това гарантира ефективен пренос на топлина и предотвратява натрупването на отлагания, които могат да намалят производителността на RTO.
- Съответствие със стандартите за безопасност: Спазвайте стандартите за безопасност и насоките за работа с RTO. Това включва правилни процедури за блокиране/маркиране по време на дейностите по поддръжката, носенето на подходящи лични предпазни средства и спазването на протоколи за безопасност за минимизиране на рисковете за персонала и оборудването.
- Документиране и водене на записи: Поддържайте изчерпателни записи за дейностите по поддръжката, проверките, ремонтите и всички модификации, направени в RTO. Документацията помага за проследяване на историята на оборудването, помага при отстраняване на неизправности и осигурява запис за съответствие с нормативните изисквания.
Важно е да се отбележи, че специфичните изисквания за поддръжка може да варират в зависимост от препоръките на производителя на RTO, дизайна на системата, работните условия и приложимите нормативни изисквания. Следването на указанията на производителя, провеждането на редовни проверки и прилагането на проактивна програма за поддръжка, съобразена с конкретния RTO, са от решаващо значение за осигуряване на неговата надеждна работа и дълъг живот.
editor by CX 2024-03-12