معلومات اساسية.

نموذج رقم.

RTO مذهلة



كفاءة عالية


توفير الطاقة


صيانة منخفضة


سهولة التشغيل


العلامة التجارية


حزمة النقل

في الخارج





رمز النظام المنسق


وصف المنتج


مؤكسد حراري متجدد

بالمقارنة مع الاحتراق الحفزي التقليدي، فإن المؤكسد الحراري المباشر؛ يتميز RTO بكفاءة تسخين عالية، وتكلفة تشغيل منخفضة، والقدرة على معالجة غاز النفايات منخفض التركيز وتدفق كبير؛ عندما يكون تركيز المركبات العضوية المتطايرة مرتفعًا، يمكن تحقيق إعادة تدوير الحرارة الثانوية، مما يقلل بشكل كبير من تكلفة التشغيل؛ لأن RTO يمكنه تسخين غاز النفايات مسبقًا بمستويات من خلال مجمع الحرارة الخزفي، مما قد يجعل غاز النفايات ساخنًا تمامًا ومتشققًا بدون زاوية ميتة (كفاءة المعالجة> 99٪)؛ مما يقلل من أكاسيد النيتروجين في غاز العادم؛ إذا كانت كثافة المركبات العضوية المتطايرة> 1500 مجم / متر مكعب؛ عندما يصل غاز النفايات إلى منطقة التكسير، يتم تسخينه إلى درجة حرارة التكسير بواسطة مجمع الحرارة، سيتم إغلاق الموقد في هذه الحالة.

يمكن تقسيم RTO إلى نوع الغرفة والنوع الدوار وفقًا لاختلاف وضع التشغيل. يتمتع النوع الدوار RTO بمزايا في ضغط النظام، واستقرار درجة الحرارة، ومقدار الاستثمار، وما إلى ذلك.

أنواع RTO  كفاءةتغير الضغط
(مليمتر مكعب)؛
مقاس(الحد الأقصى)؛حجم العلاج  
كفاءة العلاج كفاءة إعادة تدوير الحرارة  
نوع دوار RTO99%97%0-4صغير
(مرة واحدة)؛
50000 نيوتن متر مكعب/ساعة  
نوع RTO ذو ثلاث غرف99%97%  0-10كبير
(1.؛5 مرات)؛
100000 نيوتن متر مكعب/ساعة
نوع RTO ذو غرفتين95%95%0-20وسط
(1.؛2 مرات)؛
100000 نيوتن متر مكعب/ساعة  

مؤكسد حراري متجدد، مؤكسد حراري متجدد، مؤكسد حراري متجدد، مؤكسد حراري، مؤكسد حراري، مؤكسد حراري، مؤكسد، مؤكسد، مؤكسد، محرقة، محرقة، معالجة الغازات العادمة، معالجة الغازات العادمة، معالجة الغازات العادمة، معالجة المركبات العضوية المتطايرة، معالجة المركبات العضوية المتطايرة، معالجة RTO، RTO، RTO، RTO، دوار RTO، دوار RTO، دوار RTO، غرفة RTO، غرفة RTO، غرفة RTO

العنوان: الطابق الثامن، E1، مبنى Pinwei، طريق Dishengxi، Yizhuang، ZheJiang، الصين

نوع العمل: مصنع/شركة تصنيع، شركة تجارية

نطاق العمل: الكهرباء والإلكترونيات، المعدات والمكونات الصناعية، آلات التصنيع والمعالجة، المعادن والطاقة

شهادة نظام الإدارة: ISO 9001، ISO 14001

المنتجات الرئيسية: Rto، خط طلاء الألوان، خط الجلفنة، سكين الهواء، قطع غيار لخط المعالجة، الطلاء، المعدات المستقلة، بكرة الحوض، مشروع التجديد، المنفاخ

مقدمة عن الشركة: شركة ZheJiang Amazing Science & Technology Co., Ltd هي شركة مزدهرة عالية التقنية، تقع في منطقة التنمية الاقتصادية والتكنولوجية في ZheJiang (BDA). تلتزم شركتنا بمفهوم الواقعية والإبداع والتركيز والكفاءة، وتخدم بشكل أساسي صناعة معالجة غازات النفايات (VOCs) والمعدات المعدنية في الصين وحتى العالم أجمع. لدينا تكنولوجيا متقدمة وخبرة غنية في مشروع معالجة غازات النفايات VOCs، والذي تم تطبيق مرجعه بنجاح في صناعة الطلاء والمطاط والإلكترونيات والطباعة وما إلى ذلك. لدينا أيضًا سنوات من تراكم التكنولوجيا في البحث وتصنيع خط معالجة الفولاذ المسطح، ونمتلك ما يقرب من 100 مثال للتطبيق.

تركز شركتنا على البحث والتصميم والتصنيع والتركيب والتشغيل لنظام معالجة غاز النفايات العضوية المتطايرة ومشروع تجديد وتحديث خط معالجة الفولاذ المسطح لتوفير الطاقة وحماية البيئة. يمكننا تزويد العملاء بالحلول الكاملة لحماية البيئة وتوفير الطاقة وتحسين جودة المنتج وغيرها من الجوانب.

نحن نشارك أيضًا في قطع الغيار المختلفة والمعدات المستقلة لخط طلاء الألوان، خط الجلفنة، خط التخليل، مثل الأسطوانة، المقرن، المبادل الحراري، جهاز الاسترداد، سكين الهواء، المنفاخ، اللحام، مستوي التوتر، ممر الجلد، مفصل التمدد، القص، الموصل، الخياطة، الموقد، الأنبوب المشع، محرك التروس، المخفض، إلخ.

المؤكسدات الحرارية المتجددة

Can regenerative thermal oxidizers be used for abating hazardous air pollutants (HAPs)?

Yes, regenerative thermal oxidizers (RTOs) can be used effectively for abating hazardous air pollutants (HAPs). RTOs are widely recognized and employed as one of the most efficient and reliable technologies for the destruction of a wide range of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and hazardous air pollutants.

Here are some key points regarding the use of RTOs for abating HAPs:

  • كفاءة تدمير عالية: RTOs are known for their high destruction efficiency, which refers to their ability to effectively oxidize and destroy HAPs. The combustion chamber within the RTO is designed to maintain a sufficiently high temperature (typically above 1,400°F or 760°C) to ensure complete oxidation of the pollutants, including HAPs.
  • Wide Applicability: RTOs can handle a wide range of HAPs and VOCs, including but not limited to benzene, toluene, xylene, chlorinated compounds, formaldehyde, and various other organic pollutants. Their versatility makes them suitable for diverse industrial applications where HAPs may be present.
  • مدة الاحتفاظ: RTOs are designed with a sufficient residence or retention time within the combustion chamber. This allows the exhaust gases containing HAPs to spend enough time in the high-temperature zone, ensuring that HAPs are adequately treated and oxidized to harmless byproducts.
  • استعادة الحرارة: The heat recovery system in an RTO, typically using ceramic media beds or heat exchangers, plays a crucial role in the destruction of HAPs. The heat recovery system helps maintain the required temperature and provides thermal energy to sustain the combustion process, ensuring effective destruction of HAPs even during variable operating conditions.
  • الالتزام باللوائح: RTOs are designed to meet stringent environmental regulations governing HAP emissions. By effectively destroying HAPs, RTOs help industries comply with air quality standards and emission limits set by regulatory agencies.
  • Monitoring and Controls: RTOs are equipped with advanced monitoring and control systems that continuously monitor parameters such as temperature, pressure, and pollutant concentrations. These systems ensure the optimal performance of the RTO in treating HAPs and allow for adjustments and optimization as needed.

It’s important to note that the specific design and configuration of an RTO may need to be tailored to the characteristics of the HAPs being treated. Factors such as the HAPs’ chemical composition, concentration, and other process-specific considerations may influence the selection and customization of the RTO system.

In summary, RTOs are highly effective and reliable technologies for abating hazardous air pollutants. Their high destruction efficiency, wide applicability, and compliance with regulations make them a preferred choice for industries seeking to mitigate the environmental impact of HAP emissions.

المؤكسدات الحرارية المتجددة

Can regenerative thermal oxidizers handle corrosive exhaust gases?

Regenerative thermal oxidizers (RTOs) can be designed to handle corrosive exhaust gases effectively. However, the ability of an RTO to handle corrosive gases depends on several factors, including the choice of construction materials, operating conditions, and the specific corrosive nature of the exhaust gases. Here are some key points regarding the handling of corrosive exhaust gases in RTOs:

  • Material Selection: The selection of appropriate construction materials is crucial when dealing with corrosive gases. RTOs can be constructed using materials that offer high resistance to corrosion, such as stainless steel, corrosion-resistant alloys (e.g., Hastelloy, Inconel), or coated materials. The choice of materials depends on the specific corrosive compounds present in the exhaust gases and their concentrations.
  • Corrosion-Resistant Coatings: In addition to selecting corrosion-resistant materials, applying protective coatings can enhance the resistance of the RTO components to corrosive gases. Coatings such as ceramic coatings, epoxy coatings, or acid-resistant paints can provide an extra layer of protection against corrosion.
  • Temperature Control: Maintaining appropriate operating temperatures in the RTO can help mitigate the corrosive effects of the exhaust gases. Higher temperatures can promote the decomposition of corrosive compounds, reducing their corrosive potential. Additionally, operating at higher temperatures can enhance the self-cleaning effect and prevent the accumulation of corrosive deposits on the surfaces.
  • Gas Conditioning: Prior to entering the RTO, the exhaust gases can undergo gas conditioning processes to reduce their corrosive nature. This may involve pre-treatment methods such as scrubbing or neutralization to remove or neutralize corrosive compounds and reduce their concentration.
  • Monitoring and Maintenance: Regular monitoring of the RTO performance and periodic maintenance are essential to ensure the effective handling of corrosive exhaust gases. Monitoring systems can track variables such as temperature, pressure, and gas composition to detect any deviations that may indicate corrosion-related issues. Proper maintenance, including cleaning and inspection of the components, helps identify and address any corrosion concerns in a timely manner.

It is important to note that the corrosiveness of exhaust gases can vary significantly depending on the specific industrial process and the pollutants involved. Therefore, when designing an RTO for handling corrosive gases, it is advisable to consult with experienced engineers or RTO manufacturers who can provide guidance on the appropriate design considerations and material selection.

By employing suitable materials, coatings, temperature control, gas conditioning, and maintenance practices, RTOs can effectively handle corrosive exhaust gases while ensuring their long-term performance and durability.

المؤكسدات الحرارية المتجددة

How efficient are regenerative thermal oxidizers in destroying volatile organic compounds (VOCs)?

Regenerative thermal oxidizers (RTOs) are highly efficient in destroying volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emitted from industrial processes. Here are the reasons why RTOs are considered efficient in VOC destruction:

1. كفاءة تدمير عالية: RTOs are known for their high destruction efficiency, typically exceeding 99%. They effectively oxidize VOCs present in the industrial exhaust streams, converting them into less harmful byproducts, such as carbon dioxide and water vapor. This high destruction efficiency ensures that the majority of VOCs are eliminated, resulting in cleaner emissions and compliance with environmental regulations.

2. Residence Time: RTOs provide a sufficiently long residence time for the combustion of VOCs. In the RTO chamber, the VOC-laden air is directed through a ceramic media bed, which acts as a heat sink. The VOCs are heated to the combustion temperature and react with the available oxygen, leading to their destruction. The design of RTOs ensures that the VOCs have ample time to undergo complete combustion before being released into the atmosphere.

3. Temperature Control: RTOs maintain the combustion temperature within a specific range to optimize VOC destruction. The operating temperature is carefully controlled based on factors such as the type of VOCs, their concentration, and the specific requirements of the industrial process. By controlling the temperature, RTOs ensure that the VOCs are efficiently oxidized, maximizing destruction efficiency while minimizing the formation of harmful byproducts, such as nitrogen oxides (NOx).

4. Heat Recovery: RTOs incorporate a regenerative heat recovery system, which enhances their overall energy efficiency. The system captures and preheats the incoming process air by utilizing the heat energy from the outgoing exhaust stream. This heat recovery mechanism minimizes the amount of external fuel required to sustain the combustion temperature, resulting in energy savings and cost-effectiveness. The heat recovery also helps maintain the high destruction efficiency of VOCs by providing a consistent and optimized operating temperature.

5. Catalyst Integration: In some cases, RTOs can be equipped with catalyst beds to further enhance VOC destruction efficiency. Catalysts can accelerate the oxidation process and lower the required operating temperature, improving the overall efficiency of VOC destruction. Catalyst integration is particularly beneficial for processes with lower VOC concentrations or when specific VOCs require lower temperatures for effective oxidation.

6. Compliance with Regulations: The high destruction efficiency of RTOs ensures compliance with environmental regulations governing VOC emissions. Many industrial sectors are subject to stringent air quality standards and emission limits. RTOs provide an effective solution for meeting these requirements by reliably and efficiently destroying VOCs, reducing their impact on air quality and public health.

In summary, regenerative thermal oxidizers (RTOs) are highly efficient in destroying volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Their high destruction efficiency, residence time, temperature control, heat recovery capabilities, optional catalyst integration, and compliance with regulations make RTOs a preferred choice for industries seeking effective and sustainable solutions for VOC abatement.

China Standard Rto Rotary Type Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer
editor by CX 2024-04-08
