VOCs Waste Gas Treatment in Coal Chemical Industry

Discover advanced RTO (Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer) systems for efficient VOCs waste gas treatment in the coal chemical industry. Our solutions reduce emissions, comply with environmental regulations, and enhance operational efficiency. Learn how our RTO technology can help your business achieve sustainable growth.

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What is coal gasification

Coal gasification is the core technology of modern coal chemical industry.

Coal gasification: refers to an incomplete reaction between various types of coal (coke) and oxygen carrying gasifying agents (H2O, O2, CO2) in a gasifier. Under high temperature and certain pressure, it ultimately produces crude coal gas composed of H2, CH4, CO, CO2, N2, trace amounts of H2S, COS, etc.

Classification of Coal Gasification Processes:

  • Raw materials: pulverized coal, crushed coal, coal water slurry;
  • Gasification bed: fluidized bed, fluidized bed, fixed bed;
  • Fixed bed is made of lump coal (15-50mm) as raw material;
  • Fluidized bed is made of crushed coal (less than 10mm) as raw material;
  • Airflow bed is made from pulverized coal (less than 0.1mm) as raw material; 
Coal chemical gasification method

Survey Table of Crude Gas Components Produced by Different Gasification Processes

-Coal chemical gasification method

What is Low Temperature Methanol Wash

Low temperature methanol washing process: using cold methanol as the absorption solvent, utilizing the high solubility of methanol in acidic gases at low temperatures, to remove acidic gases from the feed gas, mainly CO2 and H2S.
Low temperature methanol washing is a method jointly developed by Linde and Lurgi in the early 1950s to remove acidic gases from raw material gases. In 1954, it was first used for gas purification in the coal pressurized gasification industry in South Africa.


  • Low temperature methanol washing process package providers include Linde, Lurgi, Dalian University of Technology, etc;
  • There are various gasification processes, which can be divided into three categories: fixed bed, fluidized bed, and fluidized bed;
  • The determination of whether the low emission gas has residual heat recovery value mainly considers the CH4 content in the exhaust gas;
  • The concentration of CH4 depends on the gasification process, and fixed bed gasification processes include Lurgi furnace, BGL furnace, etc;

Waste gas properties

Characteristics of low-temperature methanol washing exhaust gas:

  1. The exhaust gas is basically saturated with water vapor
  2. High content of inert components CO2 and N2
  3. The exhaust gas basically does not contain oxygen
 waste gas component

Determination of oxygen supplementation air volume

Due to the fact that the exhaust gas contains almost no oxygen, it is necessary to supplement the exhaust gas with air to meet the oxygen requirement for complete oxidation of the exhaust gas.
Principle for determining the amount of supplementary air:

1) Safety considerations: explosion hazard analysis

According to the Technical Specification for Industrial Organic Waste Gas Treatment by Thermal Storage Combustion Method, the concentration of organic matter entering the RTO device should be below 25% of the lower explosive limit. Calculate the lower explosive limit of complex combustible gas mixtures using the Le Chatlier formula, and then compare the concentration of combustible components in exhaust gas with the size of 25% LEL to determine the safety of the concentration of combustible components in exhaust gas.

2) Purification rate considerations: “3T1O”

oxygen supplementation air volume
  • LM is the lower explosive limit of the mixed gas,%
  • Li is the lower explosive limit of component i,%
  • Vi is the volume fraction of a certain combustible component to the combustible component,%

Usually designed without considering the influence of inert gases, the lower explosive limit of exhaust gas is calculated, and the air dilution ratio is determined based on the relationship between exhaust gas concentration and 25% LEL. This calculation can ensure intrinsic safety, but the exhaust gas volume is relatively large.

Due to the presence of a large amount of inert gas CO2 in the low-temperature methanol washing exhaust gas N2, A small amount of combustible components,
According to the calculation method for a mixture containing n flammable gases and p inert gases, it can be determined that the low-grade mixed exhaust gas of flammable and inert gases is non flammable and non explosive.

Therefore, the exhaust gas from low-temperature methanol washing has no upper or lower explosive limits.
The amount of air replenishment for low-temperature methanol washing waste gas can be determined based on the oxygen content of the flue gas after complete oxidation being greater than 3%.

Calculation process of combustibility of mixed exhaust gas in air 

waste gas component
waste gas component

The mixed exhaust gas is designed for oxygen supplementation based on material balance, with an oxygen content of around 5% in the flue gas

Comparison between the concentration of combustible components in exhaust gas after oxygen supplementation and the lower explosive limit of exhaust gas (excluding inert gases)


Processing total air volume

1) Low exhaust gas volume
2) Oxygen supplementation air volume

waste gas component
waste gas component
waste gas component

① Material Balance

Low-methane waste gas

 ② Heat balance

Heat balance

Typical engineering cases

Situation Analysis

Xinye Energy Chemical’s 525,000 tons/year methanol unit uses crushed coal pressurized gasification technology. In addition to the main components CO2 and N2, the low-temperature methanol washing exhaust gas also contains methane, non-methane total hydrocarbons, CO, methanol, etc. This exhaust gas is currently discharged through the boiler chimney. According to environmental protection requirements, VOCs removal treatment is required. In addition, the polyoxymethylene unit also has three exhaust gases that need to be treated.


Process route

Based on the characteristics of combustible components in exhaust gas, our engineers have decided to adopt the treatment technology route of “RTO purification+medium pressure steam waste heat boiler for heat recovery”; According to our company’s unique “Le Chater&Inert Gas Correction Theory Safety Air Distribution Algorithm”, we have decided to select a 270000 air volume rotary valve RTO, with an oxygen content of 5% in the exhaust gas after incineration; Simultaneously select a 5.1MPa/46T steam boiler with a 120 meter end chimney design to reduce the impact of exhaust emissions on the factory environment;


The main device adopts a single 270,000 air volume rotary valve RTO, square layout, equipped with 3 rotary air distribution valves and 36 heat storage chambers

  • Comprehensive treatment:
    Equipped with a 270,000 air volume rotary RTO, polyoxymethylene tail gas mixed with air for oxygen supplement
    Waste heat utilization: 46t/h, 5.1MPa saturated steam
  • Environmental protection standards:
    non-methane total hydrocarbon emissions <50mg/m³, annual carbon emission reduction of about 860,000 tons;
  • Payback period: 3 years


Safety Analysis

  1. Complex Control/Chain Briefing
  2. HAZOP analysis
  3. SIL rating


Innovation 1— Breakthrough in the lower explosion limit under inert conditions

125,000 before air distribution

Calculation of explosion limits of the combustible part of a mixture
Richard Chateli formula: Lf=100/(V1/L1+V2/L2+……+Vn/Ln)
Mixed gas explosion limit Lf, %4.26
Total concentration of combustible components2.777

Conventional air distribution: The concentration of combustible components is reduced to <1.065, which means that the air distribution needs to be 2.6 times, and the total air volume reaches 330,000.

Consider the effect of inert gas on the lower explosion limit


Considering only the oxygen supply, the air supply is 100,000, and the total air volume is 220,000

1. Air background, the lower explosion limit at 900℃ is 25%LEL;
2. Inert background, non-flammable and non-explosive at room temperature, but at high temperature?

Innovation 2— Design and application of square RTO structure with large air volume



Performance parametersRotary valve RTOLift valve RTO
Volume udara300,000 Nm³/h300,000 Nm³/h
Directional valve structureRotary valveLift valve
Number of reversing valves327
Frequency of reversing valve switching shockContinuous operation without shock6.48 million times/year
Number of heat storage beds369
Air volume per chamber20000 Nm³/h75000 Nm³/h
Cross-sectional area of ​​single heat storage chamber3㎡14㎡
Filling weight of single-chamber heat storage ceramic3300kg15600kg
Number of burners (pieces)35
Occupancy (length*width)26m×8m48m×5m

√ Main environmental protection technical indicators

Parameter nameData
Low-methane exhaust gas/10,000 m³/h10.8-12.5
Oxygen supplement air/10,000 m³/h10.5-11.5
Low-temperature flue gas oxygen content%5
Furnace temperature℃960-990
Exhaust nitrogen oxides mg/m³4.5-10
Exhaust non-methane total hydrocarbons mg/m³40-60

√ Main economic indicators

Parameter nameData
Installed power distribution power1200KW/h
Electricity cost4.8 million yuan/year
Waste heat boiler steam output45t/h
Steam parameters4.9MPa, 420℃
Steam price120 yuan/t
Direct economic benefits43.2 million yuan/year
Reduction in raw coal consumption50,000 tons/year
Carbon emission reduction860,000 tons/year