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Regenerační tepelný oxidátor

Compared with traditional catalytic combustion, direct thermal oxidizer, RTO has the merits of high heating efficiency, low operation cost, and the ability to treat large flux low concentration waste gas. When VOCs concentration is high, secondary heat recycle can be realized, which will greatly reduce the operation cost. Because RTO can preheat the waste gas by levels through ceramic heat accumulator, which could make the waste gas to be completely heated and cracked with no dead corner(treatment efficiency>99%),which reduce the NOX in the Exhausting gas, if the VOC density >1500mg/Nm3, when the waste gas reach cracking area, it has been heated up to cracking temperature by heat accumulator, the burner will be closed under this condition.

RTO can be devided into chamber type and rotary type according to difference operation mode. Rotary type RTO has advantages in system pressure, temperature stability, investment amount, etc

RTO types  EfficiencyPressure change
Size(max)Treatment volume  
Treatment efficiency Heat recycle efficiency  
Rotary type RTO99 %97 %0-4small
(1 time)
Three chamber type RTO99 %97 %  0-10Large
Two chamber type RTO95 %95 %0-20middle

Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer, Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer, Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer,  Thermal Oxidizer, Thermal Oxidizer, Thermal Oxidizer, oxidizer, oxidizer, oxidizer, incinerator, incinerator, incinerator, waste gas treatment, waste gas treatment, waste gas treatment, VOC treatment, VOC treatment, VOC treatment, RTO, RTO, RTO, Rotary RTO, Rotary RTO, Rotary RTO, Chamber RTO, Chamber RTO, Chamber RTO

Adresa: 8 patro, E1, budova Pinwei, Dishengxi road, Yizhuang, ZheJiang, Čína

Typ podnikání: Výrobce/Továrna, Obchodní společnost

Rozsah podnikání: Elektrika a elektronika, Průmyslová zařízení a komponenty, Stroje na výrobu a zpracování, Metalurgie, Nerosty a energie

Certifikace systému managementu: ISO 9001, ISO 14001

Hlavní produkty: Rto, barevná lakovací linka, galvanizační linka, vzduchový nůž, náhradní díly pro zpracovatelskou linku, nanášecí stroj, nezávislá zařízení, dřezový válec, projekt renovace, dmychadlo

Představení společnosti: ZheJiang Amazing Science & Technology Co., Ltd je prosperující hi-tech společnost se sídlem v oblasti hospodářského a technologického rozvoje ZheJiang (BDA). V souladu s konceptem realistického, inovativního, zaměřeného a efektivního naše společnost slouží především průmyslu zpracování odpadních plynů (VOC) a metalurgickým zařízením Číny a dokonce i celého světa. Máme pokročilou technologii a bohaté zkušenosti s projektem zpracování odpadních plynů VOCs, jehož reference byla úspěšně aplikována v průmyslu nátěrových hmot, pryže, elektroniky, polygrafie atd. Máme také roky technologické akumulace ve výzkumu a výrobě plochých linka na zpracování oceli a má téměř 100 příkladů použití.

Naše společnost se zaměřuje na výzkum, návrh, výrobu, instalaci a zprovoznění systému čištění organických odpadních plynů VOCs a projekt modernizace a aktualizace pro úsporu energie a ochranu životního prostředí linky na zpracování ploché oceli. Můžeme zákazníkům poskytnout kompletní řešení pro ochranu životního prostředí, úsporu energie, zlepšování kvality produktů a další aspekty.

Zabýváme se také různými náhradními díly a nezávislými zařízeními pro barevnou lakovací linku, galvanizační linku, mořicí linku, jako je válec, spojka, tepelný výměník, rekuperátor, vzduchový nůž, dmychadlo, svářečka, vyrovnávač napětí, skin pass, dilatační spára, smyk, spárovačka , sešívačka, hořák, sálavá trubice, převodový motor, reduktor atd.

regenerační tepelná oxidační činidla

Can regenerative thermal oxidizers be used for abating hazardous air pollutants (HAPs)?

Yes, regenerative thermal oxidizers (RTOs) can be used effectively for abating hazardous air pollutants (HAPs). RTOs are widely recognized and employed as one of the most efficient and reliable technologies for the destruction of a wide range of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and hazardous air pollutants.

Here are some key points regarding the use of RTOs for abating HAPs:

  • High Destruction Efficiency: RTOs are known for their high destruction efficiency, which refers to their ability to effectively oxidize and destroy HAPs. The combustion chamber within the RTO is designed to maintain a sufficiently high temperature (typically above 1,400°F or 760°C) to ensure complete oxidation of the pollutants, including HAPs.
  • Wide Applicability: RTOs can handle a wide range of HAPs and VOCs, including but not limited to benzene, toluene, xylene, chlorinated compounds, formaldehyde, and various other organic pollutants. Their versatility makes them suitable for diverse industrial applications where HAPs may be present.
  • Retention Time: RTOs are designed with a sufficient residence or retention time within the combustion chamber. This allows the exhaust gases containing HAPs to spend enough time in the high-temperature zone, ensuring that HAPs are adequately treated and oxidized to harmless byproducts.
  • Rekuperace tepla: The heat recovery system in an RTO, typically using ceramic media beds or heat exchangers, plays a crucial role in the destruction of HAPs. The heat recovery system helps maintain the required temperature and provides thermal energy to sustain the combustion process, ensuring effective destruction of HAPs even during variable operating conditions.
  • Dodržování předpisů: RTOs are designed to meet stringent environmental regulations governing HAP emissions. By effectively destroying HAPs, RTOs help industries comply with air quality standards and emission limits set by regulatory agencies.
  • Monitoring and Controls: RTOs are equipped with advanced monitoring and control systems that continuously monitor parameters such as temperature, pressure, and pollutant concentrations. These systems ensure the optimal performance of the RTO in treating HAPs and allow for adjustments and optimization as needed.

It’s important to note that the specific design and configuration of an RTO may need to be tailored to the characteristics of the HAPs being treated. Factors such as the HAPs’ chemical composition, concentration, and other process-specific considerations may influence the selection and customization of the RTO system.

In summary, RTOs are highly effective and reliable technologies for abating hazardous air pollutants. Their high destruction efficiency, wide applicability, and compliance with regulations make them a preferred choice for industries seeking to mitigate the environmental impact of HAP emissions.

regenerační tepelná oxidační činidla

What is the impact of regenerative thermal oxidizers on greenhouse gas emissions?

Regenerative thermal oxidizers (RTOs) play a significant role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. They are effective in mitigating the release of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and hazardous air pollutants (HAPs), which are major contributors to greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution. Here are some key points regarding the impact of RTOs on greenhouse gas emissions:

  • VOC and HAP Destruction: RTOs are designed to achieve high destruction efficiencies for VOCs and HAPs. These pollutants, which are often emitted from industrial processes, are oxidized within the RTO at high temperatures, typically above 95% efficiency. By converting these pollutants into carbon dioxide (CO2) and water vapor, RTOs prevent their release into the atmosphere, thereby reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Carbon Neutrality: While RTOs do produce CO2 as a byproduct of the oxidation process, the net impact on greenhouse gas emissions is considered minimal. This is because the CO2 generated by the RTO is derived from the VOCs and HAPs, which are themselves carbon-based compounds. The combustion of these pollutants in the RTO represents the conversion of carbon from one form to another, rather than introducing new carbon into the atmosphere. As a result, the overall carbon footprint is often considered neutral.
  • Energetická účinnost: RTOs are designed to maximize energy efficiency by utilizing regenerative heat exchange systems. These systems recover and reuse a significant portion of the thermal energy from the exhaust gases, reducing the need for additional fuel consumption. By operating with high energy efficiency, RTOs help reduce the overall energy demand and associated greenhouse gas emissions from the facility.
  • Dodržování předpisů: RTOs are frequently used in industrial applications to meet regulatory requirements for emissions control. By implementing RTOs, industries can achieve compliance with stringent air quality regulations and reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. Governments and environmental agencies often encourage or mandate the installation of RTOs to promote sustainable practices and minimize the environmental impact of industrial activities.

It is important to note that the specific impact of RTOs on greenhouse gas emissions can vary depending on factors such as the type and concentration of pollutants being treated, the operating conditions of the RTO, and the overall energy efficiency of the facility. Additionally, it is crucial to properly operate and maintain RTOs to ensure optimal performance and emissions control.

Overall, RTOs contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by effectively controlling and destroying VOCs and HAPs, promoting energy efficiency, and facilitating compliance with environmental regulations.

regenerační tepelná oxidační činidla

What are the key components of a regenerative thermal oxidizer?

A regenerative thermal oxidizer (RTO) typically consists of several key components that work together to achieve effective air pollution control. The main components of an RTO include:

  • 1. Combustion Chamber: The combustion chamber is where the oxidation of the pollutants takes place. It is designed to withstand high temperatures and house the ceramic media beds that facilitate heat exchange and VOC destruction. The combustion chamber provides a controlled environment for the combustion process to occur efficiently.
  • 2. Ceramic Media Beds: Ceramic media beds are the heart of an RTO. They are filled with structured ceramic materials that act as a heat sink. The media beds alternate between the inlet and outlet sides of the RTO, allowing for efficient heat transfer. As the VOC-laden air passes through the media beds, it is heated by the stored heat from the previous cycle, promoting combustion and VOC destruction.
  • 3. Valves or Dampers: Valves or dampers are used to direct the airflow within the RTO. They control the flow of the process air and the direction of the exhaust gases during the different phases of operation, such as the heating, combustion, and cooling cycles. Proper valve sequencing ensures optimal heat recovery and VOC destruction efficiency.
  • 4. Burner System: The burner system provides the necessary heat to raise the temperature of the incoming process air to the required combustion temperature. It typically uses natural gas or another fuel source to generate the heat energy needed for the destruction of VOCs. The burner system is designed to provide stable and controlled combustion conditions within the RTO.
  • 5. Heat Recovery System: The heat recovery system enables energy efficiency in an RTO. It captures and preheats the incoming process air by utilizing the heat energy from the outgoing exhaust stream. The heat exchange occurs between the ceramic media beds, allowing for significant energy savings and reducing the overall operating costs of the RTO.
  • 6. Control System: The control system of an RTO monitors and regulates the operation of various components. It ensures proper valve sequencing, temperature control, and safety interlocks. The control system optimizes the performance of the RTO, maintains the desired destruction efficiency, and provides necessary alarms and diagnostics for efficient operation and maintenance.
  • 7. Stack or Exhaust System: The stack or exhaust system is responsible for releasing the treated and cleaned gases into the atmosphere. It may include a stack, ductwork, and any necessary emission monitoring equipment to ensure compliance with environmental regulations.

These key components work together in a coordinated manner to provide efficient air pollution control in a regenerative thermal oxidizer. Each component plays a critical role in achieving high VOC destruction efficiency, energy recovery, and compliance with environmental standards.

Čína Hot sell Rto/regenerativní termální oxidátor
editor by CX 2023-10-16