Základní informace.
Model NO.
Úžasné RTO
Úspora energie
Snadná obsluha
Vysoká účinnost
Méně údržby
Ochranná známka
Přepravní balíček
Zámořské dřevěné
Kód HS
Popis produktu
Regenerační tepelný oxidátor
V porovnání s tradičním katalytickým spalováním; přímé tepelné okysličovadlo,; RTO má přednost ve vysoké účinnosti vytápění; nízké provozní náklady; a schopnost zpracovávat odpadní plyn s nízkou koncentrací velkého toku; Když je koncentrace VOC vysoká,; lze realizovat sekundární recyklaci tepla,; což výrazně sníží provozní náklady.; Vzhledem k tomu, že RTO může předehřívat odpadní plyn o úrovně prostřednictvím keramického akumulátoru tepla,; což by mohlo způsobit, že se odpadní plyn úplně zahřeje a popraská bez mrtvého rohu (účinnost čištění > 99 %);,;které snižují NOX ve výfukových plynech;; pokud je hustota VOC > 1500 mg/Nm3; když odpadní plyn dosáhne oblasti praskání; byla zahřátá na teplotu praskání pomocí tepelného akumulátoru; hořák bude za těchto podmínek uzavřen.;
RTO lze rozdělit na typ komory a rotační typ podle rozdílu provozního režimu.; Rotační typ RTO má výhody v systémovém tlaku,; teplotní stabilita; výše investice,; atd
RTO types | Efficiency | Pressure change (mmAq); | Size | (max);Treatment volume | |
Treatment efficiency | Heat recycle efficiency | ||||
Rotary type RTO | 99 % | 97 % | 0-4 | small(1 time); | 50000Nm3/h |
Three chamber type RTO | 99 % | 97 % | 0-10 | Large (1.;5times); | 100000Nm3/h |
Two chamber type RTO | 95 % | 95 % | 0-20 | middle(1.;2times); | 100000Nm3/h |
Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer,; Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer,; Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer,; Thermal Oxidizer,; Thermal Oxidizer,; Thermal Oxidizer,; oxidizer,; oxidizer,; oxidizer,; incinerator,; incinerator,; incinerator,; waste gas treatment,; waste gas treatment,; waste gas treatment,; VOC treatment,; VOC treatment,; VOC treatment,; RTO,; RTO,; RTO,; RTO,; RTO,; RTO
Adresa: 8 patro, E1, budova Pinwei, Dishengxi road, Yizhuang, ZheJiang, Čína
Typ podnikání: Výrobce/Továrna, Obchodní společnost
Rozsah podnikání: Elektrika a elektronika, Průmyslová zařízení a komponenty, Stroje na výrobu a zpracování, Metalurgie, Nerosty a energie
Certifikace systému managementu: ISO 9001, ISO 14001
Hlavní produkty: Rto, barevná lakovací linka, galvanizační linka, vzduchový nůž, náhradní díly pro zpracovatelskou linku, nanášecí stroj, nezávislá zařízení, dřezový válec, projekt renovace, dmychadlo
Představení společnosti: ZheJiang Amazing Science & Technology Co., Ltd je prosperující hi-tech společnost se sídlem v oblasti hospodářského a technologického rozvoje ZheJiang (BDA). V souladu s konceptem realistického, inovativního, zaměřeného a efektivního naše společnost slouží především průmyslu zpracování odpadních plynů (VOC) a metalurgickým zařízením Číny a dokonce i celého světa. Máme pokročilou technologii a bohaté zkušenosti s projektem zpracování odpadních plynů VOCs, jehož reference byla úspěšně aplikována v průmyslu nátěrových hmot, pryže, elektroniky, polygrafie atd. Máme také roky technologické akumulace ve výzkumu a výrobě plochých linka na zpracování oceli a má téměř 100 příkladů použití.
Naše společnost se zaměřuje na výzkum, návrh, výrobu, instalaci a zprovoznění systému čištění organických odpadních plynů VOCs a projekt modernizace a aktualizace pro úsporu energie a ochranu životního prostředí linky na zpracování ploché oceli. Můžeme zákazníkům poskytnout kompletní řešení pro ochranu životního prostředí, úsporu energie, zlepšování kvality produktů a další aspekty.
Zabýváme se také různými náhradními díly a nezávislými zařízeními pro barevnou lakovací linku, galvanizační linku, mořicí linku, jako je válec, spojka, tepelný výměník, rekuperátor, vzduchový nůž, dmychadlo, svářečka, vyrovnávač napětí, skin pass, dilatační spára, smyk, spárovačka , sešívačka, hořák, sálavá trubice, převodový motor, reduktor atd.
What is the cost of installing a regenerative thermal oxidizer?
The cost of installing a regenerative thermal oxidizer (RTO) can vary significantly depending on several factors. These factors include the size and capacity of the RTO, the specific requirements of the application, site conditions, and any additional customization or engineering needed. However, it’s important to note that RTOs are generally considered a significant capital investment due to their complex design and high-performance capabilities.
Here are some cost considerations associated with installing an RTO:
- RTO Size and Capacity: The size and capacity of the RTO, typically measured in terms of exhaust flow rate and pollutant concentration, are important cost factors. Larger RTOs capable of handling higher exhaust volumes and pollutant concentrations generally have higher upfront costs compared to smaller units.
- Engineering and Customization: The engineering and customization requirements for integrating the RTO into the existing industrial process can impact the installation cost. This includes factors such as ductwork modifications, electrical connections, and any necessary process integration to ensure proper functioning of the RTO within the overall system.
- Site Preparation: The site where the RTO will be installed may require preparation to accommodate the equipment. This can involve constructing foundations, providing adequate space for the RTO and associated components, and ensuring proper access for installation and maintenance.
- Auxiliary Systems and Equipment: In addition to the RTO itself, there may be auxiliary systems and equipment required for effective operation. This can include pre-treatment systems, such as scrubbers or filters, heat recovery units, monitoring and control systems, and stack emissions monitoring equipment. The cost of these additional components should be considered in the overall installation cost.
- Installation Labor and Equipment: The cost of labor and equipment required for the installation process, including crane services and specialized contractors, should be factored into the overall cost. The complexity of the installation and any specific site challenges can influence these costs.
- Permits and Compliance: Obtaining necessary permits and complying with regulatory requirements can involve additional costs. This includes fees for environmental permits, engineering studies, emissions testing, and compliance documentation.
Due to the many variables involved, it is challenging to provide a specific cost range for installing an RTO. It is recommended to consult with reputable RTO manufacturers or engineering firms, who can assess the specific requirements of the application and provide detailed cost estimates based on the project scope.
Are regenerative thermal oxidizers suitable for controlling emissions from food processing operations?
Yes, regenerative thermal oxidizers (RTOs) can be suitable for controlling emissions from food processing operations. Food processing operations often generate volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and odorous compounds that need to be controlled to comply with environmental regulations and maintain air quality. Here are some key points regarding the suitability of RTOs for controlling emissions from food processing operations:
- Kontrola emisí: RTOs are designed to achieve high destruction efficiencies for VOCs and odorous compounds. These pollutants are oxidized within the RTO at high temperatures, typically above 95% efficiency, converting them into carbon dioxide (CO2) and water vapor. This ensures effective control and reduction of emissions from food processing operations.
- Kompatibilita procesu: RTOs can be integrated into the exhaust systems of various food processing operations, capturing and treating the emissions before they are released into the atmosphere. The RTO is typically connected to the process equipment or exhaust stack, allowing the VOC-laden air to pass through the oxidizer for treatment.
- Flexibilita: RTOs offer flexibility in handling a wide range of operating conditions and pollutants. Food processing operations can vary in terms of flow rates, temperature, and composition of emissions. RTOs are designed to accommodate these variations and provide effective treatment even under fluctuating conditions.
- Odor Control: In addition to VOCs, food processing operations can also generate odorous compounds, which can cause nuisance and odor-related complaints. RTOs can be equipped with additional odor control technologies such as activated carbon beds or scrubbers to address odor concerns and ensure the removal of unpleasant odors.
- Dodržování předpisů: Food processing operations are subject to regulatory requirements for air quality and emissions control. RTOs are capable of achieving the necessary destruction efficiencies and can help food processors comply with environmental regulations. The use of RTOs demonstrates a commitment to sustainable practices and responsible management of air emissions.
It is important to note that the specific design and configuration of the RTO, as well as the characteristics of the food processing emissions, should be considered when implementing an RTO for a specific application. Consulting with experienced engineers or RTO manufacturers can provide valuable insights into the proper sizing, integration, and performance requirements for controlling emissions from food processing operations.
In summary, RTOs are a suitable and effective technology for controlling emissions from food processing operations, providing high destruction efficiencies, compatibility with various processes, flexibility in handling operating conditions, odor control capabilities, and compliance with environmental regulations.
What are the maintenance requirements for a regenerative thermal oxidizer?
Maintaining a regenerative thermal oxidizer (RTO) is essential to ensure its optimal performance, longevity, and compliance with environmental regulations. Here are some key maintenance requirements for an RTO:
- Regular Inspections: Conduct routine inspections to identify any signs of wear, corrosion, or damage to the RTO components. This includes inspecting valves, dampers, fans, combustion chambers, heat exchangers, and ceramic media beds. Inspections help detect potential issues early and allow for timely repairs or replacements.
- Cleaning and Replacement of Components: Clean or replace components as needed to maintain proper functionality. This may include cleaning clogged or fouled heat exchanger surfaces, replacing damaged or worn-out valves and dampers, and periodically replacing the ceramic media beds if they become degraded or contaminated.
- Monitoring Operating Parameters: Regularly monitor and record operating parameters such as temperature, airflow, pressure differentials, and gas concentrations. Deviations from normal operating ranges can indicate potential problems or inefficiencies that require attention.
- Calibration of Instruments: Calibrate instruments and sensors used for monitoring and control purposes to ensure accurate measurement of parameters such as temperature, pressure, and flow rates. Proper calibration helps maintain reliable and precise operation of the RTO.
- Cleaning of Heat Recovery System: Clean the heat recovery system, including the heat exchanger surfaces, to remove any accumulated particulate matter or fouling. This ensures efficient heat transfer and prevents the buildup of deposits that can reduce the RTO’s performance.
- Compliance with Safety Standards: Adhere to safety standards and guidelines for working with the RTO. This includes proper lockout/tagout procedures during maintenance activities, wearing appropriate personal protective equipment, and following safety protocols to minimize risks to personnel and equipment.
- Documentation and Record-Keeping: Maintain comprehensive records of maintenance activities, inspections, repairs, and any modifications made to the RTO. Documentation helps track the equipment’s history, aids in troubleshooting, and provides a record of compliance with regulatory requirements.
It’s important to note that the specific maintenance requirements may vary depending on the RTO manufacturer’s recommendations, the design of the system, the operating conditions, and applicable regulatory requirements. Following the manufacturer’s guidelines, conducting regular inspections, and implementing a proactive maintenance program tailored to the specific RTO are crucial for ensuring its reliable operation and longevity.
editor by CX 2024-03-11