RTO thermal oxidizer maintenance

RTO tepelné okysličovadlo

RTO tepelné okysličovadlo


RTO thermal oxidizers are one of the most important pieces of equipment in the chemical and manufacturing industries. They are used to remove volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from the air before they are released into the environment. RTO thermal oxidizers work by using high temperatures to break down the VOCs into carbon dioxide and water vapor. However, to ensure that they continue to work effectively, regular maintenance is required. In this article, we will look at the different aspects of RTO thermal oxidizer maintenance.

Inspection and Cleaning of RTO

  • Visual Inspection of RTO
  • Visual inspections of RTO must be conducted regularly to identify any signs of wear and tear. This will help to prevent any potential issues that might arise during its operation. Operators need to inspect the RTO’s interior, exterior, ductwork, valves, dampers, and monitoring systems to ensure that everything is in perfect condition.

  • Checking and Cleaning of Burner
  • The burner is the heart of the RTO thermal oxidizer, so it needs to be checked regularly to ensure that it is operating correctly. The operator must check for any leaks in the fuel line, damaged or missing insulation, and examine the combustion chamber’s condition. If there is any accumulation of soot or carbon, it should be cleaned to prevent any blockages that could reduce the air flow to the RTO.

  • Cleaning of Heat Exchange Medium
  • The heat exchange medium is an essential component of an RTO thermal oxidizer. It is responsible for transferring the heat from the hot exhaust gases to the incoming process air. However, with time, the medium can become clogged with debris, reducing the efficiency of the RTO. Therefore, it is essential to clean the heat exchange medium regularly.

  • Check and Replacement of Media Beds
  • The media beds are another critical component of an RTO thermal oxidizer. They are responsible for providing a surface for the heat exchange process to occur. Over time, the media beds may begin to degrade, which can lead to a drop in efficiency. Therefore, it is essential to check and replace the media beds regularly.

Preventative Maintenance

  • Documenting Maintenance Procedures
  • Documentation of the maintenance procedures for RTO thermal oxidizers is an essential aspect of preventative maintenance. It helps to keep track of the inspection and cleaning schedules, identify the parts that need to be replaced, and ensure that the maintenance is performed at regular intervals. Having a documented procedure also helps to reduce the risk of operator errors and ensures that the RTO works optimally.

  • Lubrication and Tightening of Connections
  • The RTO has many moving parts, and these parts require lubrication to operate smoothly. Lubrication also helps to prevent wear and tear and reduces the risk of breakdowns. The operator must lubricate all the moving parts and tighten all the connections to prevent any leaks that may cause inefficiency.

  • Regular Calibration of Monitoring Systems
  • The monitoring systems in an RTO thermal oxidizer are crucial for ensuring that it operates optimally. The operator must regularly calibrate the monitoring systems to ensure that they provide accurate readings. Calibration also helps to identify any potential issues with the RTO before they become more problematic.

  • Replacement of Worn-out Parts
  • Worn-out parts can reduce the efficiency of an RTO thermal oxidizer and cause breakdowns. Therefore, it is essential to replace any worn-out parts as soon as they are identified. Regular replacement of worn-out parts also helps to prevent more significant issues that could arise later.


RTO thermal oxidizers are essential components of many industrial processes. Regular maintenance is necessary to ensure that they operate optimally and prevent any potential breakdowns. Operators must conduct visual inspections, clean the burner and heat exchange medium, check and replace media beds, and perform preventative maintenance measures such as lubrication, tightening of connections, calibration, and replacement of worn-out parts.

Predstavenie spoločnosti

We are a high-tech enterprise specialized in the comprehensive management of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and carbon reduction and energy-saving technology. Our core technologies include four major areas: thermal energy, combustion, sealing, and self-control. We have the ability to simulate temperature fields and air flow fields, as well as model calculations. We also have the capability to test and verify the properties of ceramic heat storage materials, molecular sieve adsorbent materials, and high-temperature incineration and oxidation of VOCs.

Our team has established an RTO technical R&D center and waste gas carbon reduction engineering technology center in Xi’an, as well as a 30,000 square meter production base in Yangling. We are a leading manufacturing enterprise in the global production and sales of RTO equipment and molecular sieve rotary equipment. Our core technology team comes from the Aerospace Liquid Rocket Engine Research Institute (Aerospace Sixth Institute). We currently have more than 360 employees, including over 60 R&D technical backbone personnel, among whom three are senior engineers at the researcher level, six are senior engineers, and 157 are thermodynamics doctors.

Our core products include rotary valve heat storage oxidation incinerators (RTO) and molecular sieve adsorption concentration rotary equipment. We combine our own environmental protection and thermal energy system engineering technical expertise to provide customers with solutions for comprehensive management of industrial waste gas of various working conditions and carbon reduction and energy utilization.

Certifikáty, patenty a vyznamenania

Our company has obtained the following certifications and qualifications:

  • Certifikácia systému správy duševného vlastníctva
  • Certifikácia systému manažérstva kvality
  • Certifikácia systému environmentálneho manažérstva
  • Construction Industry Enterprise Qualification
  • High-tech Enterprise
  • Patents for Rotary Valve Heat Storage Oxidation Furnace Steering Valves, Rotary Blade Heat Storage Incineration Equipment, and Disc Molecular Sieve Rotary Equipment


How to Choose the Appropriate RTO Equipment

When selecting appropriate RTO equipment, the following factors should be considered:

  • Určite vlastnosti odpadového plynu
  • Understand local regulations and set emission standards
  • Vyhodnoťte energetickú účinnosť
  • Zvážte prevádzku a údržbu
  • Analýza rozpočtu a nákladov
  • Choose the appropriate type of RTO
  • Zvážte environmentálne a bezpečnostné faktory
  • Performance testing and verification

RTO equipment

Náš servisný proces

Our service process includes:

  • Consultation and evaluation: preliminary consultation, on-site inspection, and demand analysis
  • Design and program development: program design, simulation and modeling, and program review
  • Production and manufacturing: customized production, quality control, and factory testing
  • Installation and commissioning: on-site installation, commissioning and operation, and training services
  • After-sales support: regular maintenance, technical support, and spare parts supply

We are a one-stop solution provider with a professional team that can tailor RTO solutions to meet the needs of our clients.

Autor: Miya